Financial Decks

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Telecommuting benefits for organizations and employees slide
from deck Remote Work Know-how Infographics (PPT Template)

Slide content:

This slide presents the telecommuting benefits for organizations and employees. The benefits for the organization (e.g. team manager) are office lease savings, and data privacy & security. The general remote work benefits are reduced carbon footprint, flexible contracts, and increased employment possibilities, while employee benefits are saving commute time and work-life balance. You can edit the graphics without losing the quality of the elements, and write your description. We have included detailed instructions if you have no knowledge of designing. You can download the presentation in Google Slides and Keynote too. Click on the picture for more slide ideas on remote work.

Slide infographic description:

Dash Line Arrow Vector, Flat Style Outline Icons, Team Management Icon, Remote Worker Outline Icon, Hand Holding a Plus Icon Vector

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