Financial Decks

Financial Decks

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Waste generation, EU-27, 2012

Slide Content

This slide presents data on waste generation within the EU-27 in 2012. It uses a pie chart to illustrate the proportion of waste generated by various sectors. Households are responsible for the largest share at 32.7%, followed by Manufacturing (29.2%), and Services (10.7%). Other included sectors, such as Construction (9.0%), Energy (4.5%), and Agriculture, forestry and fishing (1.6%), contribute smaller percentages respectively, indicating their relative impact on waste generation.

Graphical Look

  • The slide background is white with a large, colorful pie chart occupying the center.
  • The pie chart features segments in different colors, with each color corresponding to a particular sector.
  • On the right side, icons represent each sector, matched in color to the corresponding pie segment.
  • The pie chart is labeled with percentages for each sector's waste contribution.
  • A trash bin icon is in the center of the pie chart, symbolizing waste.
  • A source attribution to "Eurostat" is at the bottom-left.

The slide has a clean, modern look with a vibrant color scheme. The use of icons alongside the pie chart segments makes for an intuitive and visually engaging presentation of data.

Use Cases

  • Presenting waste management data to stakeholders or policymakers.
  • Illustrating environmental impact reports in corporate sustainability meetings.
  • Educational purposes, for explaining waste generation distribution among sectors.
  • Economic forums discussing resource efficiency and waste reduction strategies.

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