Financial Decks

Financial Decks

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Five items 3D layers diagram shown with outline graphics
from deck Multi-level Layer Diagrams (PPT Template)

Multi-Level Diagram Template with 3D Layers Graphics – 5 Items

Slide Content

The PowerPoint slide is titled "Multi-Level Diagram Template with 3D Layers Graphics – 5 Items" and depicts a five-layered 3D graphic. Each layer is associated with a different icon and placeholder text. Layer 1 is paired with a telescope icon symbolizing vision or exploration. Layer 2 features a battery icon which could represent energy or resources. Layer 3 is linked to a link chain symbol, possibly indicating connectivity or security. Layer 4 shows a hand icon, which might stand for assistance or a user-focused approach. Lastly, Layer 5 has a diamond icon, potentially signifying quality or value.

Graphical Look

  • The slide has a title in large, bold text at the top.
  • A vibrant, multicolored 3D layered diagram occupies the center, creating a visual effect of stacked layers.
  • Five colorful layers are stacked on top of each other, each outlined in a different color (orange, purple, green, blue, and cyan).
  • Next to each layer, there is a corresponding colored line that connects to a circular icon and a text box for descriptions.
  • Each icon is encircled with a matching colored outline, reinforcing the color coding of the layers.
  • Icons are simplistic and include a telescope, battery, link chain, hand, and diamond, symbolizing different concepts.

The slide has a clean and modern design, utilizing color-coding and 3D graphics to differentiate the layers. The icons are simple yet striking, aiding in the communication of each layer's purpose or theme.

Use Cases

  • To present a business model or strategy that has multiple components or levels.
  • To illustrate the structure of an organization, showing hierarchy or functional layers.
  • To describe a step-by-step process in product development or project management.
  • To showcase the layers of a complex system or service, explaining how different elements interrelate .

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