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Visual Brand Assets List
from deck Corporate Brand Identity Models (PPT Template)

Slide content

This PowerPoint slide contains the Visual Brand Assets List. The visual brand assets are logo, colors, typography, and graphics. The logo should contain the main logo and variations, it should be memorable, make an impression, and be timeless. The color scheme should include up to 4 colors main colors, you should consider using color psychology and complementary palettes. The typography should include good fonts combination with a maximum of three fonts. The graphics should consist of photography and other visuals, it should stick to brand colors, and outsource original materials. You can use this PPT slide if you are a brand manager who wants to explain your company’s visual brand assets. You can download this PPT template on Google Slide and Keynote.

Slide Infographic Description

White Background, Text Box, Logo Icon, Shield Icon, Paint Brush Icon, Quotation Mark Icon, Pencil Icon

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