Financial Decks

Financial Decks

Visualize your results with ease

Revenue and Profit Snapshot Dashboard

Slide Content

The slide titled "Revenue and Profit Snapshot Dashboard" presents a visual representation of a company's net sales and profitability evolution over the last 5 months. It comprises four main metrics—Net Sales, Operating Expenses, EBITDA, and PBT—each with a corresponding gauge chart and monetary value (in millions). Below these gauges, there is a bar chart tracking net revenues with overlaying data points showing profit percentages for each month. Additionally, a comments section allows for personalized descriptions or insights related to the data.

Graphical Look

  • The slide has a teal and dark blue color scheme with light blue highlights.
  • Four gauge charts visualize different financial metrics: Net Sales, Operating Expenses, EBITDA, and PBT (Profit Before Tax) each with a needle indicator and an accompanied monetary value.
  • Gauge charts have a three-dimensional banner on top with the name of the metric.
  • A horizontal bar chart at the bottom displays net revenue for five months, accompanied by orange circular data points representing profit percentages.
  • A lined graph connects the circular data points above the bars, indicating the trend of profits over the months.
  • There is a dedicated comments section with space for text, featuring a stylized teal callout box.
  • The slide's title is prominently displayed at the top in a large, bold font.

The slide has a professional and clean look with a balance of charts, text areas, and info-graphic elements which facilitate a clear understanding of financial data trends. The use of gauges and a bar chart adds a dynamic and informative element to present complex data in an accessible way.

Use Cases

  • Presenting a financial summary in executive meetings or board presentations.
  • Analyzing sales and profitability trends during quarterly business reviews.
  • Showcasing financial performance to investors or stakeholders.
  • Using in financial workshops or seminars to illustrate how to visualize key financial metrics.

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