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Lewin's Change Management Model Slide
from deck Change Management Diagrams: Lewin's Model (PPT Template)

Slide content:

Lewin’s change management model presentation with a dark background and ice cream metaphor illustration. Using interesting visuals will help you capture your audience’s attention and make your presentation memorable. The unfreeze phase has been illustrated with a melting ice cream cone, the change phase symbolizes recreation, reinvention, and the final result – refreeze, it’s presented with a popsicle as the final improvement. We added a text description for inspiration too, which you can edit and adapt based on your needs. You can download this slide in other software such as Google Slides or Keynote, without quality loss. Editing videos are also included if you don’t have design skills. Click on the picture to see more change management illustrative ideas.

Slide infographic description:

Dark Background with Melting Ice Picture, Flat Outline Style Icons, Ice Cream Cone Icon, Mixing Bowl Icon, Popsicle Icon, Bullet Points, Arrow Shaped Banner Vector, Color Coding

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