Financial Decks

Financial Decks

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Flat icons and shapes in PowerPoint
from deck Trade Finance Presentation Diagrams (PPT Template)

Editability of Flat Icons

Slide Content

The PowerPoint slide is titled "Editability of Flat Icons" and visually demonstrates how flat icons can have their color altered to suit different backgrounds. "Change color by changing Filling color" is explained with a graphic showing a globe icon with a dollar sign changing from teal to green, indicating the icon's fill color can be easily modified. Another statement, "Can be used also on dark backgrounds," is presented with the same icon in white on a dark background, suggesting that flat icons are versatile and maintain their clarity on various background colors.

Graphical Look

  • The slide background is white with two large, diagonal swatches of light and dark gray creating a dynamic split.
  • Two sections of text in black font describe the features of flat icon editability: one above the lighter gray area, and one above the darker gray area.
  • A globe icon with a dollar sign in the middle is showcased twice: once above the light gray area with a transition arrow to its altered state, and once against the dark background.
  • The transition arrow between the two states of the globe icon is simple and directs attention from the original to the altered icon color.
  • The dark section at the bottom juxtaposing the white icon illustrates the visibility of flat icons on various background shades.

The slide has a minimalist and professional look with a clear visual contrast between the light and dark areas. The icons and the transition arrow effectively communicate the concept of icon adaptability.

Use Cases

  • Illustrating the branding flexibility of iconography in marketing materials.
  • Demonstrating user interface adaptability in app or web design presentations.
  • Showcasing design choices for customizable digital or printed documents.
  • Educating teams on the versatility of digital assets for cross-platform consistency.

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