Financial Decks

Financial Decks

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Bar Chart Crane Graphics Comparison Diagram ñ 4 categories
from deck Creative Comparison and Shares Bar Charts (PPT Template, data-driven)

Bar Chart Crane Graphics Comparison Diagram: 4 Categories

Slide Content:

The PowerPoint slide is a data-driven Excel chart with supplemental graphics. It shows four series, A, B, C, and D, with different values. Series A has a value of 50, Series B has a value of 24, Series C has a value of 45, and Series D has a value of 20. The chart is a bar chart with the bars representing the different series and the values on the y-axis.

Graphical Look:

  • The slide has a simple and clean design, with a white background.
  • The chart is a bar chart with four bars, one for each series.
  • The bars are different colors.
  • The bars are connected by a thin black line.
  • The values for each series are displayed on the bars.
  • The y-axis has values ranging from 0 to 60.

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