This slide is a part of: Ecology icons: Waste types, treatment and waste prevention (flat PPT clipart)
Waste generation, EU-27, 2012
Slide Content
The slide presents the statistics of waste generation in EU-27 countries for the year 2012. A pie chart in the center breaks down the waste generation by sectors. The largest sector is Manufacturing at 29.2%, followed by Households at 10.7%, Services at 8.5%, Energy at 3.8%, and Construction at 1.6%. Other significant contributions come from Mining and quarrying at 9.0%, Agriculture, forestry, and fishing at 4.5%, and an 'Other' category at 32.7%. Each percentage indicates the contribution of that sector to the total waste generated.
Graphical Look
- A large, multicolored pie chart dominates the slide, with data slices in different colors representing various sectors.
- To the right of the pie chart, each sector is listed with corresponding icons, such as a building for Construction, a mining headgear for Mining and quarrying, factory for Manufacturing, house for Households, briefcase for Services, light bulb for Energy, and a wheat sheaf for Agriculture, forestry, and fishing.
- Each sector is connected to its slice of the pie chart with a line the same color as the slice.
- The slide background is a gradient ranging from light yellow in the upper left corner to blue in the lower right corner.
- Percentages are listed inside or next to each pie chart slice, color-coordinated with the slice they correspond to.
- The slide's title is in large font at the top, with a subtitle "EU-27, 2012" to its right.
The overall look of the slide is clean and colorful, with visual elements facilitating the understanding of the waste generation data. The usage of representative icons and color coordination makes the data accessible and straightforward to grasp at a glance.
Use Cases
- Presenting environmental data during a conference on sustainability or waste management.
- Utilizing in educational settings to provide visual statistics on waste production for geography or environmental science classes.
- Sharing insights within government or policy-making meetings to discuss waste reduction strategies.
- Including in business presentations to highlight the importance of manufacturing and service sectors in waste generation for corporate sustainability reports.
Waste Generation Graph Data
Fully editable slide
compatible with PowerPoint, Google Slides, Keynote
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