Financial Decks

Financial Decks

Visualize your results with ease

1 Dimensional Segmentation Scale
from deck Point of Sale Segmentation Strategy (PPT Template)

1 Dimensional Segmentation Scale

Slide Content

The slide presents a concept called the "1 Dimensional Segmentation Scale," which is described as a simple single category attribute segment grading system. It features a segmented arrow graphic with five segments tagged from A to E, representing different levels or categories within a single attribute. Each segment includes a pie-chart-like icon that appears to illustrate a portion or a fraction, potentially indicating some quantifiable measure.

Graphical Look

  • The slide background is white with a blue-toned image occupying approximately two-thirds of the right side, depicting multiple shopping carts.
  • There is a large segmented arrow on the left in varying shades from light to dark for contrast, placed vertically center-aligned.
  • Each segment of the arrow is labeled with a segment letter from A to E, with each letter being in a distinct colored rectangle that overlaps a section of the arrow.
  • A pie-chart-like icon appears on each colored rectangle beside the segment letter, possibly representing data related to each segment.
  • Adjacent to the right of the segmented arrow, there is a text box portion labeled "Comments" with placeholder text lines for adding relevant narrative or descriptions corresponding to the segments.

The slide's color palette includes muted and deep tones, providing visual differentiation between segments, while the icons add a thematic consistency. The design is balanced, with a clear focus on the segmented scale on the left and space for supplementary text on the right, creating a functional and visually engaging composition.

Use Cases

  • Market Segmentation Presentations: to visually communicate how a market is divided into distinct segments for strategic targeting.
  • Product Feature Grading: for illustrating the different tiers or levels of a product's features and categorizing them accordingly.
  • Performance Assessment: to showcase performance metrics across different categories or teams in an easily digestible format.
  • Project Progress Reports: for reporting the stages of a project's development and highlighting progress in each segment.

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