Financial Decks

Financial Decks

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Market facts slide: customer survey in numbers
from deck Elegant Outline Pitch Deck Presentation (PPT Template)

Market Facts Infographics Template – Customers Survey

Slide Content

This slide is titled "Market Facts Infographics Template – Customers Survey" and it displays the results of a customer survey in a visual format. A graphic representation shows a large group of stylized human figures, with a significant portion highlighted to reflect a percentage. The slide indicates that 73% of clients have problems, but the specific issues are not detailed, suggesting that this is a summarized view of a broader survey finding.

Graphical Look

  • The title of the slide is in bold and placed at the top left in a large font size.
  • A matrix of human outline figures occupies the majority of the left side of the slide. Most are in a light grey color, but a subset is highlighted in a bright blue color to signify a percentage.
  • A large, bold percentage figure '73%' is shown on the right side of the slide, colored in the same bright blue as the highlighted figures.
  • A text blurb under the percentage reads "of clients have problems with ..." in black text, leaving the detailed issue unspecified.
  • The contrast between the grey and blue figures creates a visual representation of survey data, implying a quantitative analysis.
  • The slide background is plain white, focusing attention on the graphic and text elements.

The slide has a minimalistic and clean design that clearly communicates the magnitude of a problem among a surveyed population through visual contrast and a large, eye-catching percentage figure.

Use Cases

  • To present key findings from customer feedback or market research surveys in business meetings.
  • To illustrate statistical data or key metrics in a visual digestible format during presentations to stakeholders.
  • For use in company reports where visual aids can help to underscore customer satisfaction or dissatisfaction areas.
  • In educational settings to teach about data representation and the importance of customer feedback analysis.

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