This slide is a part of: Transition Framework, Business Process Outsourcing Toolbox (PPT diagrams)
Phase 4 - Operate
Slide Content
The slide is titled "Phase 4 - Operate" and explains the operational phase of a project or process. The underlying theme is "It's all about making it business as usual." The slide breaks down this phase into several elements: "People" with the action of lessons learned, "Process" noting a parallel run and transfer to business as usual, "Systems & Infrastructure" involving a support model, "Risk" highlighting agreements, "Finance" addressing benefits and cost tracking, and "Project" leading up to project closure and the implementation of a target operating model. The process suggests a cycle with the potential to improve through another framework and hands over to Business As Usual (BAU).
Graphical Look
- The slide background is pale blue.
- A large arrow-shaped graphic in green snakes across the top of the slide, containing the word "Operate".
- Below the arrow, a quote in italics reinforces the theme of business as usual operations.
- Six outlined blue boxes with icons and text label different aspects of the operation phase: People, Process, Systems & Infrastructure, Risk, Finance, Project.
- Each of the blue boxes contains an icon representing their category: a checkmark for People, two vertical lines for Process, a dollar symbol for Systems & Infrastructure, a document for Risk, an upward arrow for Finance, and a circular arrow for Project.
- Arrows connect some of the boxes, suggesting an order or flow to the process.
- Checkmarks follow some of the elements, indicating completion or approval.
The slide has a clean and professional design, with a prominent use of blue and green colors for a calming effect. Icons and checkmarks provide a quick visual reference of the topics covered.
Use Cases
- Presenting the final phase of a project lifecycle in a business management meeting.
- Explaining the transition to business as usual to stakeholders during a project review.
- Training new team members on the continuity process after project completion.
- Discussing improvement strategies and assessment methodologies in a continuous improvement workshop.
operate phase BPO transition schema slide ppt
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