Financial Decks

Financial Decks

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Market SizeTAM, SAM, SOM Diagram with Total Available, Serviceable Available & Obtainable Market Volume
from deck Creative Investor Pitch Deck, Organic Blob Shapes (PPT Template)

Market Size

Slide Content

The PowerPoint slide presents a TAM, SAM, SOM diagram depicting the Total Available Market, Serviceable Available Market, and Serviceable Obtainable Market. TAM represents the total market demand for a product or service, SAM is the segment of the TAM targeted by a company's products or services which is within its geographical reach, and SOM is the portion of SAM that a company can capture or serve. Each market layer is visually distinct and accompanied by a monetary value—$1.9B for TAM, $500M for SAM, and $50M for SOM—providing an abstract representation of market sizing and potential revenue.

Graphical Look

  • The slide has a white background with three overlapping blob-like shapes in shades of purple, orange, and red, representing TAM, SAM, and SOM, respectively.
  • On the left side, there are two vertical aligned text boxes with the headers "Total Available Market" and "Serviceable Obtainable Market," accompanied by large monetary values and placeholders for descriptions.
  • On the right side, there is a vertical aligned text box with the header "Serviceable Available Market," also with a large monetary value and description placeholders.
  • Each monetary value is preceded by a stylized icon—a globe for TAM, a location marker for SOM, and a target-like icon for SAM.

The overall look is clean and modern, with a focus on conveying the market potential through the use of bold colors and distinct shapes. The use of icons helps to visually differentiate between the types of markets.

Use Cases

  • To present a business or market analysis, showing potential growth opportunities.
  • In investor or stakeholder meetings to illustrate market strategy and business potential.
  • During internal strategy sessions to align marketing and sales efforts.
  • In pitch presentations to potential partners or customers to showcase market understanding and penetration plans.

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