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E-commerce Analysis - YtY Comparison Share of E-commerce Revenue In Total Business Ratio Pie Charts Template
from deck E-commerce Analysis Management Presentation (PPT Template)

E-commerce Analysis - YtY Comparison Share of E-commerce Revenue in Total Business Ratio Pie Charts Template

This PowerPoint slide template provides a visual representation of the year-over-year (YtY) comparison of the share of e-commerce revenue in total business revenue. It effectively utilizes pie charts to illustrate the changing proportions of e-commerce and other revenue streams, making it an ideal tool for presentations related to e-commerce performance, business growth, and market trends.

What Does This E-commerce Analysis - YtY Comparison Share of E-commerce Revenue in Total Business Ratio Pie Charts Template Include?

  • Two large, contrasting Excel-driven pie charts depicting the percentage share of e-commerce revenue and other revenue sources for two different years
  • A text box on the side of the pie chart to provide additional context or insights
  • A simple yet visually appealing layout that effectively conveys the YtY comparison of e-commerce revenue share

This E-commerce Analysis - YtY Comparison Share of E-commerce Revenue in Total Business Ratio Pie Charts Template is a part of our E-commerce Analysis Management Presentation PPT Template.

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