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Coronavirus: common symptoms infographics
from deck Coronavirus Protection Actions Graphics (PPT Template)

Coronavirus: Common Symptoms

Slide Content

The PowerPoint slide titled "Coronavirus: Common Symptoms" focuses on the early symptoms one might experience with a coronavirus infection and advises seeking medical care early if presenting with fever, cough, and difficulty breathing. It emphasizes that symptoms such as fever, coughing, difficulty breathing, and sneezing can have a multitude of causes, often as a result of viral or bacterial infections.

Graphical Look

  • The slide has a clean, professional design with a balanced layout.
  • There's a large, bold title at the top of the slide.
  • A prominent text block on the left side with a contrasting turquoise background features a key message in large white font.
  • On the right side, a vertical timeline with bold purple circular icons illustrates three common symptoms: fever, coughing, and headache.
  • Each icon inside the circles is white and corresponds to a symptom (thermometer, lungs, head silhouette).
  • A connecting line with timeline dots runs vertically through the icons, creating a sense of progression or sequence.
  • The color palette is teal and purple with white text, exuding a professional medical theme.
  • Light and dark shades provide contrast and focus the viewer's attention on key elements.

The overall look of the slide is modern and informational, presenting medical content in an easy-to-understand visual format. The choice of colors and simple icons facilitates quick comprehension and retention of the information.

Use Cases

  • To educate the public or staff in a healthcare setting about the symptoms of coronavirus.
  • As part of a public health presentation to raise awareness about when to seek medical attention.
  • Within seminars or webinars addressing the prevention and early detection of COVID-19 infections.
  • As an informative slide in an academic or professional training module discussing respiratory illnesses and their presentations.

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