Financial Decks

Financial Decks

Visualize your results with ease

Timeline template for 3 steps with arrow to show process
from deck Timeline Diagram Infographics (flat PPT template)

Vertical Ribbon — 3 items

Slide Content

The slide titled "Vertical Ribbon — 3 items" portrays a sequence of three geometric shapes arranged vertically to suggest a stepwise process or categorized information. Each shape has a placeholder saying "Put your text here", indicating that each section can be customized with specific content. These items typically represent individual but connected components in a business or educational framework, allowing the presentation of distinct yet related concepts or steps in a process.

Graphical Look

  • The slide features a white background which serves as a neutral canvas for the colored shapes.
  • Three colored ribbon banner shapes (purple, blue, and orange) are vertically aligned in the center, each with a drop shadow adding depth.
  • The shapes have a hexagonal form but with one side longer than the others, angled to create a ribbon-like look.
  • Each ribbon shape contains white text placeholders with the instruction "Put your text here", suggesting an area for customization.
  • A subtle grey arrow points upwards from the bottom ribbon to the top, visually implying a progression or sequence.

The overall look of the slide is modern and clean, with a minimalistic design that emphasizes the content within the shapes. The use of drop shadows and the directional arrow adds a sense of dimension and flow to the slide.

Use Cases

  • Outlining a step-by-step process where each ribbon represents a different phase or action step.
  • Presenting a hierarchy of ideas, with the most important or starting point at the top.
  • Comparing three separate concepts, options, or categories in a clear, visually connected manner.
  • Illustrating a workflow or progression within an organization, such as levels of management or project stages.

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