Financial Decks

Financial Decks

Visualize your results with ease

Three column lists hexagon shape example
from deck Outline Diagrams - Ultimate Deck for Visual Presentations (PPT graphics)

3 Column Lists Hexagon Shape Template

Slide Content

This PowerPoint slide is titled "3 Column Lists Hexagon Shape Template," indicating that it serves as a template for presenting information in a three-column format, where each column is associated with a hexagon-shaped bullet point. Each column contains a placeholder for a "Header" followed by space for a "Your headline" and multiple lines of placeholder text. The hexagonal bullet points are numbered from 1 to 3 to represent a sequence or to categorize the content.

Graphical Look

  • Three large hexagon shapes aligned horizontally across the top of the slide, each containing a number (1, 2, and 3) and a "Header" placeholder.
  • The hexagons have a blue border and are connected by horizontal blue lines, creating a cohesive visual element across the slide.
  • Beneath each hexagon is a text box for a "Your headline" followed by several lines of placeholder text, separated by thin vertical lines, suggesting distinct sections or content areas.
  • The overall design is clean and modern, with a blue and white color scheme that conveys professionalism and clarity.

The slide has a well-organized, symmetrical layout with a strong horizontal emphasis due to the alignment of the hexagons and text boxes. The numbered hexagons provide a sense of progression or prioritization, while the text boxes allow for detailed descriptions or information.

Use Cases

  • To outline three key points, ideas, or strategies in a business presentation, providing a clear structure for conveying the information.
  • During project status updates, to categorize and present updates about three separate aspects or work streams.
  • For marketing or sales presentations to discuss the top three features or benefits of a product or service.
  • In educational or training sessions, to break down three components or steps of a concept or process for easier understanding.

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