Financial Decks

Financial Decks

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SWOT analysis presented with outline horizontal note with textboxes
from deck SWOT Analysis Presentation Outline Diagrams (PPT template)

SWOT Outline Horizontal Note Signs Textboxes

Slide Content

The slide presents a SWOT analysis framework, which stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. Each category has a color-coded note sign with an icon representing it: a checkmark for strengths indicates positive attributes, a cross for weaknesses signifies areas requiring improvement, a bar chart for opportunities suggests areas of potential growth, and a lightning bolt for threats warns of potential challenges. Under each sign, there's space to add customized text.

Graphical Look

  • Four colored note sign text boxes aligned horizontally across the slide.
  • Each note sign has a unique color (green, blue, orange, purple) and shape (pentagon-like with top sides pointing outward).
  • Inside each note sign is a white icon symbolic of the SWOT category it represents (checkmark, cross, bar chart, lightning bolt).
  • Below each note sign, there is a horizontal bar matching the note sign's color.
  • The title "SWOT Outline Horizontal Note Signs Textboxes" is positioned at the top of the slide in large, bold, black font.
  • Each note sign is labeled with the corresponding SWOT element in bold: "Strengths," "Weaknesses," "Opportunities," "Threats" placed at the bottom in a large font.
  • Each section contains bullet points with placeholder text "Sample text" for user input.

The slide has a clean and organized layout with a balance of colors and shapes drawing attention to each SWOT category. The icons are simple yet descriptive, aiding quick comprehension of each element's meaning.

Use Cases

  • To present a company's SWOT analysis during an internal strategic planning session.
  • To outline a project's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in a stakeholder meeting.
  • To facilitate a workshop where participants can contribute ideas under each SWOT category.
  • To compare different strategies or business units within one presentation by duplicating and customizing the slide for each scenario.

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