Business Transformation
Visualize your strategy with ease
Company Strategy Pillars Diagram Slide
from deck
Strategy Management Pillars Graphic (PPT Template)
Slide content:
This slide shows the company strategy pillars: mission, vision, values, and capabilities. The culture represents the base of the pillars, and the vision – the roof. Explain your company’s mission, whether this would be expanding on a new market, developing a new product, etc. Then, show what your company values are, along with the capabilities. The strategy pillars represent the company’s core beliefs, so these kinds of graphics can leave an impact on your audience. You can edit the elements, write your own text, and resize the shapes, without any quality loss. This presentation is part of the Company Strategy Pillars PowerPoint template. Click on the picture to see more ideas.
Slide infographic description:
Pillars Diagram, Arrow Line Vector, Color Coding, Goal Icon, Diamond Icon, Capabilities Icon