Financial Decks

Financial Decks

Visualize your results with ease

Projects status table with OK/Not OK/Warning sign
from deck Modern Flat Diagrams - Ultimate Bundle for Visual Presentations (PPT graphics)

Projects Status Table with OK/Not OK/Warning Sign

Slide Content

The slide presents a matrix titled "Projects Status Table with OK/Not OK/Warning Sign," which is designed to assess multiple projects against six different criteria. Each project row (Project A, B, C, E, D) is evaluated with a thumbs-up (OK), an exclamation mark in a triangle (Warning), or a cross (Not OK) against each criterion. This visual coding provides a quick overview of the project statuses, with thumbs-up possibly indicating satisfactory performance, warning signs suggesting attention needed, and crosses potentially indicating unsatisfactory performance.

Graphical Look

  • The title in bold, large font at the top of the slide.
  • A rectangular table with six columns and five rows below the title.
  • Table columns are alternately colored in blue and green, each labeled "Criteria" followed by a number from 1 to 6.
  • Rows are labeled "Project A" through "Project E," with "Project D" being the last.
  • Inside each cell, one of three icons are used: a thumbs-up sign, an exclamation mark in a triangle, or a cross.
  • The icons are in a shade of gray, providing a visual contrast against the white background of the cells.

The overall look is clean and professional, with a straightforward table format that allows for easy comparison across projects and criteria. The color-coding and icons are designed to direct viewers' attention effectively towards quick assessments of project status.

Use Cases

  • To provide an at-a-glance status update on multiple projects during team meetings or management reviews.
  • For inclusion in project dashboard presentations to highlight areas that are on track, at risk, or require immediate attention.
  • Within program management updates to communicate the health of various initiatives to stakeholders.
  • As part of a project portfolio review, to facilitate decision-making about project prioritization, resource allocation, or intervention strategies.

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