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User Persona Features PowerPoint Template - infoDiagram
from deck Marketing Buyer Persona (PPT Template)

User Persona Features Presentation Template

The User Persona Features Presentation Template outlines the core features of a specific user persona. You can use it to visualize your users benefiting from your products and services to create a grounded, more visual user concept. The template includes demographics, background, goals & needs, and technology features by default, but it’s easy to customize so you can easily adapt it to your presentation with other features.

What Does This User Persona Features Slide Include?

  • White background.
  • Star-centered diagram with the person icon inside.
  • 4 sections and colorful diagrams to mark each section.
  • Icons: Pencil, notes, computer, target, and arrow.

This User Persona Features slide is a part of our Marketing Buyer Persona PowerPoint Template.

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