Financial Decks

Financial Decks

Visualize your results with ease

People Group Icons

Slide Content

The slide presents a collection of "People Group Icons" that are designed to represent different team dynamics and interactions like peers, couple, female, male colleague, and stages or modes of group processes like storming, communication, focus group, conflict resolution, brainstorming, RASCI (responsible, accountable, consult, and inform roles in project management), collaboration, sharing, listening, and information spread. Each concept is illustrated with a simple, stylized icon featuring multiple figures.

Graphical Look

  • The slide background is plain white.
  • Centered at the top is the slide title in a large, sans-serif font.
  • Beneath the title is a line of text in smaller font, providing keywords related to the icons.
  • There is a text box on the right with the phrase "Fully editable" and below on the same side, another one stating "Suitable for dark background."
  • Nine icons are evenly distributed across the midsection of the slide in a 3x3 grid pattern.
  • The icons vary from simple pairs of figures to small groups with added symbols like speech Bubbles, lightning bolts, arrows pointing towards and away from the groups.
  • The color palette for the icons is monochromatic shades of blue, with one example in contrasting teal and yellow depicting applicability on different backgrounds.

The slide has a clean, professional appearance with a uniform style across the icons, emphasizing clarity and ease of understanding. The use of monochromatic shades provides a cohesive visual theme, while the sparing use of color highlights the customizable aspect of the icons.

Use Cases

  • To illustrate team roles and interactions during a corporate restructuring presentation.
  • For identifying key stakeholders and their communication patterns in a project management workshop.
  • To visually enhance sections of a training presentation on team dynamics and conflict resolution.
  • In an organizational development seminar, to summarize group processes and decision-making.

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