Business Transformation
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Pencil Bookmark Outline hand drawn ppt clip art
from deck
Sketch Banners Pencil Ribbon Infographics Titles (PPT shapes)
Bookmarks - transparent
Slide Content
The slide presents a series of graphical representations of transparent bookmarks, likely intended as metaphors or visual aids for highlighting sections or points of interest in a presentation. Each bookmark image varies slightly in shape and orientation, suggesting a range of options for customization. The concept of bookmarks here means visual markers that can be used to signify important information or to return to a particular topic or section within a presentation.
Graphical Look
- The slide's background is a gradient of white to a light gray at the bottom.
- There are six bookmark icons arranged in two rows of three.
- The bookmark icons on the left are more elongated and vertical, while the ones on the right are shorter and angled.
- All icons have a hand-drawn, sketch-like style with a light blue outline.
- The icons are asymmetric and have a transparent fill, which allows the background to show through.
- Each icon has a distinct irregularity, enhancing the hand-drawn appearance.
The overall look of the slide is minimalist and clean, with the focus being on the hand-drawn, stylized bookmark icons. The slide has a creative and informal feel due to the sketch-like appearance of the icons.
Use Cases
- To highlight key points or sections within a presentation, using the bookmarks as visual cues.
- As part of a content agenda, to visually map out the progression or organization of topics.
- To emphasize resources or references that may require further exploration or note-taking by the audience.
- In workshops or seminars, where participants need to mark certain slides for later review or discussion.