Financial Decks

Financial Decks

Visualize your results with ease

Pareto Principle for Income (PPT Template) - infoDiagram
from deck Creative Company Presentation Deck (Scribble PPTX Template)

Pareto Principle for Income Presentation Template

The Pareto Principle presentation template includes a visualization of the concept of the Pareto Principle, the graphical explanation of the 80/20 rule for income-related topics. It’s designed with coins and the percentages next to each other to highlight the numerical data with visual elements.

What Does The Pareto Principle for Income Slide Include?

  • Coin icons.
  • Diagram for 80:20 rule.
  • Text box for income data from clients.
  • White background.

This Pareto Principle for Income slide is a part of our Creative Company Presentation Deck (Scribble PPTX Template).

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