Financial Decks

Financial Decks

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NPS Categories Description PowerPoint Template
from deck NPS Analysis Dashboards for Customer Loyalty Metrics (PPT Template)

Slide content

This PPT slide shows the NPS Categories Description: Promoters, Passives, and Detractors. The promoters (9-10) represent loyal and enthusiastic fans who recommend the brand to friends and colleagues. They are far more likely than others to remain customers and increase their purchases over time. They account for more than 80% of referrals. The passives (7-8) represent somewhat satisfied but could easily switch to a competitor's offering if given the opportunity. They wouldn't spread any negative word-of-mouth but are not enthusiastic enough about the brand. Their repurchase and referral rates are as much as 50% lower than those of promoters. The detractors (0-6) are unhappy customers. They account for more than 80% of negative word-of-mouth. Their criticisms and bad attitudes diminish a company's reputation, discourage new customers, and demotivate employees. You can use this PowerPoint slide if you are a marketing officer who wants to present your company's Net Promoter Score Categories. You can download this template on Google Slides and Keynote.

Slide Infographic Description:

White Background, Text Box, Colorful NPS Scale, Promoter Icon, Fan Icon, Passive Icon, Unconcerned Icon, Detractor Icon, Critic Icon

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