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Information of Mexico: capital, largest city, area, population, density and GDP
from deck Map of Canada and US, North America, Mexico, Population and GDP

Mexico: Map, Flag, and Country Overview

Slide Content

This PowerPoint slide is designed to provide a country overview for Mexico. The slide is titled "Mexico: Map, Flag, and Country Overview," with a list of basic information facts that includes the capital as Mexico City, which is also the largest city, an area of 1.972 million square kilometers, and a population of approximately 119.5 million according to a 2015 estimate. Additionally, the density is mentioned to be 61 people per square kilometer, and the GDP (PPP) is quoted as $2.224 trillion, with a per capita income of $18,857.

Graphical Look

  • The title of the slide is in a large, bold font centered at the top in dark text.
  • A turquoise ribbon banner sits behind the title, adding a contrasting color accent.
  • To the upper right, a composite image of the Mexican flag is displayed with vibrant green, white, and red hues and the national emblem centered in the white stripe.
  • Directly below the title is the subtitle "Basic Info" in a bold, uppercase font, set within a matching turquoise-colored tab.
  • A large, blue silhouette of the map of Mexico occupies the right half of the slide, with no geographic details besides the overall country shape.
  • On the left, a vertical list of Mexico's basic information is aligned with corresponding icons - purple bar chart icons indicate capital and largest city; purple square icon for area; population icon with human figures; density icon with more human figures indicating crowding; and a circular chart icon for GDP.
  • A miniature gray world map is positioned at the bottom center of the slide, with Mexico highlighted in purple to indicate its location globally.
  • Font colors for the main content range from dark gray for titles to lighter gray for some details, ensuring good contrast against the white background.

The slide uses a clean, minimalist design with a clear color scheme that emphasizes the key ### Use Cases

  • This slide could be used in educational or business presentations focusing on global markets or geography to introduce data about Mexico.
  • In international relations or diplomacy, such a slide provides a quick reference to essential country statistics.
  • During a company's market analysis briefing when discussing expansion or investment strategies in Mexico.
  • The slide is suitable for travel and tourism industry presentations that require an overview of destination countries.

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