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Local Community Engagement Examples
from deck Social Sustainability Report ESG Presentation (PPT Template)

Local Community Engagement Examples

Slide Content

The slide is titled "Local Community Engagement Examples" and is divided into four columns, each with a distinct header: Suppliers, Employment, Support, and Investment. For Suppliers, it discusses "Ethical Purchase Procurement" and maintaining long-term relationships with local suppliers specifically for the company's canteens. In Employment, the focus is on promoting job offers within the local community and encouraging participation in local job fairs and events. The Support section talks about "Volunteerism, Participation in Local Charity Actions" and providing paid volunteering days for employees. Lastly, Investment highlights allocating a "Fraction of Profit to Supporting Local Infrastructure", with a specific example of investing in bicycle parkings in the company's headquarters neighborhood.

Graphical Look

  • The slide background is white, providing a clean canvas for the content.
  • Four distinct columns with different shades of blue and green for their headers, each with a white icon, visually categorize the content.
  • Each column header sports a relevant icon to its topic, such as a box (Suppliers), briefcase (Employment), handshake (Support), and circular arrow with money symbol (Investment).
  • The text within each column is aligned left for clarity and easy reading.
  • Horizontal dividers separate the headers from the bulleted lists, which provide specifics on each category's strategy or action.

The overall look of the slide is professional, with a clear and structured layout that facilitates easy understanding of the different aspects of community engagement.

Use Cases

  • Use in a corporate social responsibility presentation to outline how the company engages with the local community.
  • During a strategy meeting, to discuss and plan community engagement initiatives.
  • In an annual report or stakeholder meeting to showcase the company's commitment to community involvement.
  • As part of an employee orientation or training program to highlight the company's values and practices in social responsibility.

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