Financial Decks

Financial Decks

Visualize your results with ease

Key Cost Drivers Overview Slide

This slide contains various visuals describing CAPEX, PEX, and OPEX in values and shares. Each category's budget and last year's performance are presented in a different color. This simple yet powerful layout conveys complex comparisons in a digestible way.

What Does This Key Cost Drivers Overview Slide Include?

  • Three light grey containers for CAPEX, PEX, and OPEX bar charts with the legend
  • Icons placed on arrow-shaped light turquoise shapes: House With Money, People With Money, Bag of Money
  • Two light grey containers for horizontally placed titles of rows: million USD and % of revenue with icons: Bag of Money, Bag of Money With Percent
  • Yellow and navy bar charts providing information on the results in all categories

This Key Cost Drivers Overview Slide is a part of our Actions Template Against Climate Change PPT Presentation.

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