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Financial Decks

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Icon index: services, I/O devices, dmart home, connectivity, content
from deck IT Icons: Mobile & Smart Devices, Computer & Telecom Networks (PPT Template)

Icon index — Services, I/O Devices, Smart home, Connectivity & Content

Slide Content

The PowerPoint slide is a visual index showcasing various icons representing Services, I/O Devices, Smart home technologies, and Connectivity & Content themes. Each icon is labeled with terms such as "E-commerce/Shopping basket," "Weather forecast," and "Touch control/Touchscreen" to explain e-commerce activities, weather-related services, and touchscreen technology, respectively. Additional icons include "Voice/Microphone," illustrating audio input devices, and "Wi-Fi/WLAN connection," indicating wireless network connectivity. This organization of icons serves as a taxonomy of modern technological services and devices, providing a comprehensive overview of digital elements in a clear and visually accessible format.

Graphical Look

  • The slide background is a dark navy blue, setting a contrast for the white and orange icons.
  • Each icon is encircled within a white circular background, creating uniformity and emphasis.
  • There are four even rows of icons, with each row containing six icons, organizing the content in a grid.
  • The icons are minimalist in design, utilizing simple geometric shapes and lines to represent different concepts or devices.
  • The color palette for the icons is primarily white with selective use of orange to highlight certain parts.
  • The labels for each icon are in white text and placed directly below each circular icon background.
  • The slide's title is in a larger white font at the top, followed by a smaller subtitle.

The slide exhibits a clean and modern aesthetic with a clear visual hierarchy, prioritizing readability and ease of identification of each icon. The contrasting colors and the grid layout enhance the visual appeal and organization of the slide.

Use Cases

  • To visually outline the range of services and technologies offered by a company in a business presentation.
  • As a reference slide in educational settings, to introduce students to different types of digital services and devices.
  • In marketing materials to quickly convey the breadth of a tech company's product portfolio.
  • During workshops or meetings to facilitate discussions about technology integration, system architecture or service design.

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