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Heart auscultation, blood donation, taking blood sample symbols
from deck Health Care, Medical Biology & Pharma Research Outline Icons (PPT icons)

Examination, Treatment & Operations

Slide Content

The slide is titled "Examination, Treatment & Operations" and it illustrates various medical and healthcare-related procedures through descriptive icons and text. Heart Auscultation refers to the act of listening to the sounds of the heart, typically with a stethoscope, to assess cardiac function. A Manometer is an instrument for measuring pressure in a fluid, often used in medical contexts to measure blood pressure. Blood Donation involves a person giving their blood to be used for transfusions or made into medication. Taking Blood Sample is the act of obtaining blood from a patient for laboratory testing and analysis. Surgery signifies medical procedures that involve cutting into tissues or organs. Massage is the practice of kneading or rubbing a person's muscles and joints to relieve tension or pain.

Graphical Look

  • The PowerPoint slide features a clean, minimalist design with icons and text aligned horizontally and vertically in two rows and three columns.
  • Each row contains three icons, outlined in a contrasting color, each followed by a short description of a medical procedure.
  • The slide uses a limited color palette, with teal and white text on a subdued dark background, enhancing readability and focus on the icons.
  • Icons are stylized and simple, conveying the medical procedures through universally recognizable symbols, like a stethoscope for heart auscultation.
  • The text is left-aligned, placed directly under each corresponding icon, aiding in clear and direct association of the text with the imagery.
  • The text "Fully editable" and "Suitable for dark background" is placed on the right side of the slide, indicating the customizable nature of the slide content.

The overall look of the slide is modern, professional, and tailored for clarity, with visual emphasis on the icons representing healthcare procedures. The contrast between the icon colors and the dark background ensures good visibility.

Use Cases

  • For medical training or education presentations to depict different healthcare procedures to students or trainees.
  • In healthcare industry conferences or seminars to introduce or summarize various aspects of patient care and treatments.
  • As part of hospital or clinic operational materials to visually communicate services offered to patients and visitors.
  • Within healthcare software or application demonstrations to iconographically represent features related to medical examinations or operations.

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