Financial Decks

Financial Decks

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Sales persona template showed with description and icons
from deck Marketing Buyer Persona (PPT Template)

Sales Persona Description Template

Slide Content

The slide is titled "Sales Persona Description Template" and features several sections including profile details, goals & needs, and technology preferences for a sales persona named Paul Brown. The profile details indicate age, gender, income, marital status, personality type, and location. The goals & needs section provides bullet points to add personalized text about the persona's objectives. The technology section showcases icons representing IT & Internet, software, mobile, and social network usage, where one can add specific descriptions or preferences.

Graphical Look

  • The slide background is a gradient of blue shades, creating a tranquil and professional atmosphere.
  • A large, semi-transparent silhouette of a person's head occupies the left side, with a light bulb icon inside, symbolizing ideas or insights.
  • An outlined rectangle with the title "SALES PERSONA" is positioned on the upper left, which pulls focus to the subject.
  • The right side of the slide is divided into three main content blocks, each separated by dotted lines, creating a clear visual distinction between sections.
  • The top right block contains the personal information of the sales persona, using a clean and readable sans-serif font.
  • The middle block outlines "Goals & Needs" with bullet points for custom text entries.
  • The bottom block titled "Technology" features faded icons representing different technology categories. These icons are neatly aligned and spaced, allowing for quick visual interpretation of the content.
  • Each section header is capitalized and colored in dark blue, giving a sense of structure and importance.

The slide has a clean and modern design, with a good balance of visual elements and text. The color palette and graphical elements work together to convey a professional and engaging presentation.

Use Cases

  • Developing marketing strategies by creating detailed customer profiles.
  • Training sales teams with persona-based scenarios to improve customer engagement.
  • Presenting target audience insights to stakeholders in product development meetings.
  • Enhancing understanding of customer behavior during a market segmentation analysis.

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