Financial Decks

Financial Decks

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Flat Agenda List for placing 4 items with text box
from deck Infographics Ribbons Lists Diagrams (flat PPT Diagrams)

Flat Agenda List for Placing 4 Items With Text Box Template

This 3D slide uses creative visuals to present agenda elements in an organized yet engaging way. Create the intro slide in your presentation using ribbon-shape text containers and present them against the gray background to add depth to your composition. Add a detailed description on the side if needed.

What Does This Flat Agenda List for Placing 4 Items With Text Box Template Include?

  • 4 editable turquoise ribbons bent on the side of the gray background and containing text placeholders for your descriptions
  • White editable text container with a title for your description
  • Gray rectangular shape in the background of ribbons

This Flat Agenda List for Placing 4 Items With Text Box Template is a part of our Infographics Ribbons Lists DiagramsPPT Diagrams.

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