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Education Science Research Space symbols PPT clipart
from deck Industry icons: Public Sector, Administration, Science & Culture (flat PPT clipart)

Education & science

Slide Content

The PowerPoint slide is titled "Education & Science" and features three main graphic icons representing different concepts. "Education" is depicted with a book icon, implying the importance of reading and knowledge in the educational field. "Research" is symbolized by a microscope, suggesting a focus on scientific exploration and investigation. "Space" is represented by a satellite and orbiting paths, indicating studies and activities related to outer space, such as astronomy or space exploration.

Graphical Look

  • The slide has a clean, professional look with a white background and a consistent color scheme centered around shades of blue.
  • Three main circles with icons are prominently displayed across the top of the slide; each circle has a deep blue background with a lighter blue icon.
  • Below each main circle is a label in black text that reads: "Education," "Research," and "Space" respectively.
  • The middle part of the slide shows a faded reflection of the circles above, suggesting a professional design touch.
  • Bottom of the slide displays a darker strip containing three smaller icons, each enclosed in a rectangle with a slightly darker shade of blue than the upper icons.

The slide uses a harmonious blue color palette which conveys a sense of calm and reliability. The consistent use of circular icons and reflected images below them adds a modern and sophisticated feel to the slide.

Use Cases

  • To introduce a section on educational methods and tools in a presentation to educators or academic institutions.
  • To outline key focus areas in a research proposal or progress report delivered at a scientific conference or to stakeholders.
  • To provide an overview of domains within a science and technology-related business plan or investment pitch.
  • To set the theme for a series of lectures or workshops on space science or related educational programs.

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