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Editability of outline icons in PowerPoint
from deck Responsibility Assignment RACI Matrix (PPT Template)

Editing Outline Icons in PowerPoint

Slide Content

This PowerPoint slide provides guidance on editing outline icons within the software. It explains that users can easily change the outline color of an icon, providing visual cues on color selection. The process of changing the icon outline width by altering the shape weight is also illustrated. Each concept is complementared by a screenshot showing the dropdown menu where color and outline thickness can be selected, simplifying the customization process.

Graphical Look

  • The slide background is white, providing a clean and uncluttered canvas for the content.
  • The title is placed at the top in large, bold text for prominence.
  • Two main sections of text in dark font describe the editing features for outline icons: changing the outline color and width.
  • Each textual explanation is accompanied by corresponding screenshots of PowerPoint's interface, showing the exact options for editing icons.
  • Next to the text, there are five icons depicting a clipboard, with the outlined color and width varying according to the described adjustments.
  • The fonts are legible and the color choices for text and icon outlines contrast well against the white background.

The slide is neatly organized, with visual examples aligned to the right and text explanations on the left. The chosen icons and screenshots complement the textual content, presenting a balance between instructions and illustrations.

Use Cases

  • Demonstrating PowerPoint editing features during an instructional workshop on presentation design.
  • Providing a quick reference for employees in a corporate setting who need to make visual adjustments to their presentations.
  • Incorporating into a tutorial document or video guide for users who are new to PowerPoint or icon editing.
  • Featuring in a 'Tips & Tricks' section of a presentation to share productivity hacks with an audience familiar with presentation software.

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