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COVID-19 disease definition slide
from deck Coronavirus Protection Actions Graphics (PPT Template)

COVID-19 Disease Definition

Slide Content

The slide is titled "COVID-19 Disease Definition" and provides a succinct explanation differentiating the virus from the disease it causes. It states that the 2019 novel coronavirus is "severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2)" and the disease associated with it is referred to as "COVID-19." This information is attributed to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, recognizing the institute that provided the definition.

Graphical Look

  • The slide background is a soft gradient, transitioning from a very light gray at the top to a near-white at the bottom.
  • The title "COVID-19 Disease Definition" is prominently displayed at the top of the slide in a large, bold, sans-serif font.
  • Under the title, there is a thin, vertical purple line to the left, adding a touch of color and separating the text from the side margin.
  • There is a block of text below the title that provides the definition, set in a smaller font size but still quite legible.
  • In the right-hand portion of the slide, there's a large purple circle with a white line drawing of lungs, symbolizing respiratory illness.
  • The attributing source for the information is in parentheses, set in a smaller italic font just below the main body of text.

The slide design is sleek and professional with clean lines and a modern font. The purple circle with the lung icon draws attention and visually signifies the medical nature of the content discussed.

Use Cases

  • Presenting in a healthcare seminar or workshop about COVID-19 for educational purposes.
  • In a corporate setting, informing employees about health policies related to COVID-19.
  • As part of a public health briefing to clarify terminology used during communication about the pandemic.
  • In academic environments, such as medical or nursing schools, during lessons on infectious diseases.

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