Financial Decks

Financial Decks

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Australian continent map demographics area data pptx
from deck World Maps: Continents, Countries, Population, Transport icons


Slide Content

The slide presents information about Oceania, specifically focusing on the area and population of Australia. The "Area" is provided as 8.6 million square kilometers (approximately 3.3 million square miles), indicating the vast expanse of the land. The "Population" is listed as 39 million as of 2019, giving an idea of how many people inhabit the region. A flag icon points to Australia on an orange silhouette of the continent, visually emphasizing Australia's significance in Oceania.

Graphical Look

  • A large map of Oceania dominates the left side of the slide, with Australia highlighted in orange.
  • An arrow curves from the highlighted country to a world map on the top right, suggesting a global context.
  • The world map features a light blue overlay, with the focused region, Oceania, connected to the main graphic.
  • On the right side, two shaded rectangles contain text detailing the area and population information.
  • Each rectangle has an icon, one resembling a grid (for the area) and the other depicting human figures (for the population).
  • Text on the top right indicates the slide is "Fully editable," implying that the content can be modified.

The slide uses a contrasting color palette of orange, blue, and white, creating a visually engaging and clear presentation. Icons are used effectively to convey information about area and population swiftly.

Use Cases

  • To present geographic and demographic information about Oceania in an educational setting.
  • During international business meetings to highlight market potential or regional characteristics of Australia.
  • In tourism industry presentations to provide an overview of travel destinations within Oceania.
  • For use by government or non-profit organizations when discussing policies or projects related to the Oceania region.

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