Industries icons bundle: Production, Services, Resources, Public sectors (flat PPT clipart)
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- Usage example
- Description
- How To Edit
Usage example
Industry Symbols for PowerPoint. Bundle of four industry segments pictograms:
- PRODUCTION: Construction, Goods, FMCG, Transport, Storage
- SERVICES: Money, Trade, IT, Electronics
- RESOURCES and ENERGY: mining, oil, gas, agriculture
- PUBLIC SECTORS: Science, Culture, Administration, Healthcare, Education
- Icons graphical style: Simple flat icons, metro UI style
- Format: fully editable vector shapes in PowerPoint (color, filling, size - no quality loss when zoomed)
Editable Pictograms of All Industry sectors (Bundle of four packages)
Icons for visualizing economical and industry-specific topics. All symbols are as clipart pictures - fully editable in PowerPoint.PowerPoint Icon Set #1: PRODUCTION - Production, construction & transport.
Package content:
- Production industries icons: Production, Chemical industry, Metal Ironworks, Construction symbols
Goods industry icons: Household goods, appliances, Pharmacy, Garment, Clothing symbols
FMCG production icons: Food FMCG, Alcohol / Beverages, Tobacco symbols
Storage and motor vehicles transport icons:
Transport, Storage, Automotive, Auto, Car, Automobile, Truck, Road transport, Public transport, Bus symbols
Air, Land, Water transport icons:
Air transport, Plane, Rail Transport, Sea transport, Cargo ship, Barge, Inland symbols
PowerPoint Icon Set #2: SERVICES - Money, Trade, Services and IT.
Package content:
- Finance industry icons: Money, Insurance, Royalties symbols
Trade industry icons: Retail, Real Estate, Distributive trades symbols
Service industry icons: Repair, Marketing, Business Services symbols
Leisure segment icons: Tourism, Restaurant, Hotel, Recreation symbols
- IT and electronics icons: Software, Hardware, Telecommunication, Information technology symbols
PowerPoint Icon Set #3: RESOURCES - Energy, Agriculture.
Package content:
- Mining and quarrying industry icons: Mining, Hard coal, Quarrying, Lignite symbols
Oil & gas industry icons: Petroleum (Crude oil) / Pumpjack, Gasoline / Fuel, Natural gas / Pipeline symbols
Energy production icons: Power engineering / Power station, Renewable energy (Wind, Solar), Nuclear energy symbols
Agriculture segment icons: Crop cultivation, Livestock production symbols
- Forestry & fishery symbols
PowerPoint Icon Set #4: PUBLIC sector, science & culture.
Package content:
- Administration sector icons: Government / Public administration, Legal services / Law, Administrative and support services
Healthcare & military sector symbols
Public services sector icons: Water supply,Waste and remediation, Mail / Postal Delivery symbols
Education, Science , Research, Space symbols
- Culture, Art, Music symbols
Media and entertainment industry symbols
Industry Icons usage examples (Do it yourself infographics)
- Breakdown of non-financial business economy value added and employment (bar chart with icons illustration)
- Gross inland energy consumption (pie chart with icons illustration)
- Extra EU-27 trade by main products (bar chart with icons illustration)
- Typical Product Life Cycle (flow chart with icons diagram)
- Food Production business (flow chart with icons diagram)
- Customer Relationship Management Cycle (infographics)
- General business model diagram (infographics)
- for light background,
- for dark background,
- as a standalone symbols,
- as a symbol in the circle shape.
- changing color of the icon filling and its outline
- adding shadows
- changing shape and size, rotating, flipping the object
- putting shapes behind or on top of text
- infoDiagram's contributing designer
- Contact: here
Slides included in this PowerPoint Presentation:
How To Edit
How to edit text & colors

How to expand / shorten diagram

How to Replace Icons in infoDiagram PPT