Financial Decks

Financial Decks

Visualize your results with ease

Long Prompt and Comment Note

Slide Content

The slide titled "Long Prompt and Comment Note" appears to be a template for documenting prompts and associated comments. It is divided into two sections; the upper section labeled "Prompt" includes a placeholder for adding detailed prompt text, while the lower section labeled "Comment" provides space for additional commentary. Both sections feature a set of icons related to editing and document manipulation, suggesting this template is designed for drafting, reviewing, or annotating documents within a project or workflow.

Graphical Look

  • The slide has a clean and professional aesthetic with a light background.
  • Two main content areas are delineated by dotted line borders, with the top larger box for the "Prompt" and a narrower bottom box for the "Comment."
  • On the left of each content area, there are vertical labels "Prompt" and "Comment" with a background that matches the slide title color, offering a visual hierarchy and clear section identification.
  • Each content box features a light grey text prompt ("Click to add prompt text here" and "Click to add text here") indicating where to input custom content.
  • A ribbon of icons is displayed in both the "Prompt" and "Comment" sections. These icons are muted and color-coordinated, including symbols for documents, editing tools, refresh symbols, and spreadsheet icons.
  • The icons repeated in both sections reinforce the connection between the prompt and comment areas and imply a sequence or workflow.

The slide is modern and minimalistic, focusing on organization and clarity. The visual elements are strategically placed to guide the user through the process of entering a prompt and corresponding comments.

Use Cases

  • To structure detailed briefings and responses during project planning meetings, ensuring all aspects are covered.
  • For educational purposes, where teachers can use the template to provide prompts for student assignments, and students can comment or ask questions.
  • In software development, this slide could be used to document feature requests (prompt) and initial feedback or implementation comments (comment).
  • As a discussion guide in workshops or brainstorming sessions, where the "Prompt" section outlines the topic and the "Comment" area is used for collective input or notes.

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